Douay - Rhiems Catholic Bible  PC 용

PC 용 Douay - Rhiems Catholic Bible

  • ⓘ 호환성: 필요 Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 그리고 Windows 7
  • 카테고리: Book
  • 개발자: Dzianis Kaniushyk
  • 최근 업데이트: 2023-11-01
  • 현재 버전: 1.6
  • 파일 크기: 37.41 MB
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↓ PC용 APK 다운로드 Dzianis Kaniushyk 1 5 1.6 4+

Douay - Rhiems Catholic Bible 에 대한 13 가지 세부 정보

1. In 1568, English exiles who were members of the college at Douai, in Flanders, founded by William (later Cardinal) Allen, began the work of preparing a Bible translation, which has become the foundation of nearly all English Catholic versions.

2. In October, 1578, Gregory Martin began the work of preparing an English translation of the Bible for Catholic readers, the first such translation into Modern English.

3. Richard Challoner began a major revision of the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible and texts, the spellings and phrasing of which had become increasingly archaic in the almost two centuries since the translations were first produced.

4. The 1610 printing of the second time of the Old Testament includes an appendix containing the non-canonical books 'Prayer of Manasses,' 'Third Booke of Esdras,' and 'Fourth Booke of Esdras' as part of this Catholic Bible.

5. It was the first officially authorized Catholic Bible translation in English, and has formed the basis of some later Roman Catholic Bibles in English.

6. Also included are the original texts of two short books, 'The Prophecie of Abdias' and 'The Catholike Epistle of Iude the Apostle,' to give the reader a sense of the language of the first editions in comparison to the Challoner revision.

7. The Douay-Rheims Bible is a translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate into English.

8. The religious and scholarly adherence to the Latin Vulgate text led to the less elegant and idiomatic words and phrases often found in the translation.

9. In some instances where no English word conveyed the full meaning of the Latin, a Latin word was Anglicized and its meaning defined in a glossary.

10. Further background on the Douay-Rheims version may be found in a selection from the preface to the 1582 edition and the original glossary included in the appendices.

11. This revision became the 'de facto' standard text for English speaking Catholics until the twentieth century.

12. Douay - Rhiems Catholic Bible 은 무료 Book 앱으로 Dzianis Kaniushyk 에서 개발했습니다. 10 개월 전 출시되었으며 4+ 연령에만 적합하며 파일 크기는 37.41 MB.

13. 현재 버전은 v1.6 이며 0 사용자 이상의 5/5 점을 받았습니다.

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3: Windows PC 용 Douay 사용 방법 - Windows 7, 10, 11

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Douay - Rhiems Catholic Bible iTunes에서

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