First Derm Online Dermatology  PC 용

PC 용 First Derm Online Dermatology

  • ⓘ 호환성: 필요 Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 그리고 Windows 7
  • 카테고리: Medical
  • 개발자: iDoc24 AB
  • 최근 업데이트: 2023-12-13
  • 현재 버전: 6.0.6
  • 파일 크기: 61.71 MB

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PC에서 First Derm Online Dermatology 용 호환 APK 다운로드

다운로드 개발자 평점 점수 현재 버전 성인 랭킹
↓ PC용 APK 다운로드 iDoc24 AB 0 0 6.0.6 12+

First Derm Online Dermatology 에 대한 13 가지 세부 정보

1. First Derm - Your telehealth partner in dermatology, not only provides online consultations but also features to locate a dermatologist, pediatrician, or pharmacy near you.

2. Our board-certified dermatologists on First Derm not only bring years of hands-on experience but have also undergone over 10 years of specialized training at premier medical institutions.

3. Dermatology Online: First Derm offers human-centric insights straight from real dermatologists.

4. With over 200,000 successfully reviewed cases, First Derm offers expertise on a range of skin concerns.

5. On average over 70% of cases submitted to First Derm can be treated with over-the-counter medication, potentially saving you an unnecessary visit to the doctor.

6. Plus, with an answer from First Derm, our users see a dermatologist two weeks faster than the US average of 32 days.

7. Insights from First Derm’s dermatology experts are for informational purposes only, offering peace of mind and next steps.

8. For more serious cases, our dermatologists may recommend a face-to-face consultation with a local dermatologist, which could potentially fast-track your visit.

9. First Derm quickly connects you to a Dermatologist on the go.

10. Vetted by a senior medical advisory board, they have attended to a wide range of skin issues, from common rashes to serious skin diseases.

11. Simply take a picture of your skin, fill out the form, and send it to our team of board-certified dermatologists.

12. First Derm Online Dermatology 은 무료 Medical 앱으로 iDoc24 AB 에서 개발했습니다. 9 개월 전 출시되었으며 12+ 연령에만 적합하며 파일 크기는 61.71 MB.

13. 현재 버전은 v6.0.6 이며 0 사용자 이상의 0/5 점을 받았습니다.

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3: Windows PC 용 First Derm Online Dermatology 사용 방법 - Windows 7, 10, 11

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보너스 : Android 및 iOS 용 다운로드

Windows 11에서 First Derm Online Dermatology 를 다운로드하고 설치하는 단계

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  3. 설치 후 Amazon Appstore 및 Android용 Windows 하위 시스템 설정 앱이 시작 메뉴와 앱 목록에 나타납니다. Amazon Appstore를 열고 Amazon 계정으로 로그인합니다.
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First Derm Online Dermatology iTunes에서

다운로드 개발자 평점 점수 현재 버전 성인 랭킹
무료 iTunes에서 iDoc24 AB 0 0 6.0.6 12+

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